Saturday, June 6, 2009

1-800-Ask Teri Re-Imagined For The Digital Age

For years, my friends, colleagues and family have sought me out as a resource on many subjects because frankly, I am an information junkie. I read a ton of things and I absorb information on a broad spectrum of topics. So I've been able to help them by providing information they were seeking. While my circle of friends appreciated this side of me, they also gently teased me about it, suggesting that my then-employer should give me a column in the company newsletter titled 1-800-Ask-Teri. While I was flattered by this appreciation, I also wondered how I could help other people and perhaps develop a business around it. But I never acted on it, choosing instead to pursue a more linear path to a "normal" career, working for someone else, etc.

My appetite for information has only intensified with the expansion of all things digital - the Web, mobile, email, etc. I am a heavy Internet user, actively seeking out great sites that help me in my day-to-day life. I am frequently doing research on things I want to know, or buying things that my family and I need online. Job searching? Well, I know how to use the Web as a resource for that too. And with my background in marketing, user experience and eBusiness, I have informed opinions on what sites work well, and those that don't, from the way they present their merchandise, to how they handle shipping and returns. I actively recommend sites and services to my friends, colleagues and family, and with their encouragement, I am going to do the same for you.

So watch this space to have a variety of sites on the Internet presented to you in a different way than you're used to. I have a wide variety of interests and I'll try to cover an equally wide variety of categories. But don't be shy about asking me to cover a category you're interested in, cuz you're probably not alone.

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